How to prevent pr diabetes? Pr-diabetes exactly can be a “pre-diagnosis” of diabetes which you may consider as the warning of symptoms. It is whenever your carbohydrate level is higher than usual but it is not so high to be considered diabetes. But certainly it is an indication of diabetes that could build up type 2 diabetes if you unable or unwilling to make some changes in the lifestyle.


Let us know what exactly Pre-diabetes is and How to prevent pr diabetes

But there are some excellent news given below for you: it is promisingly possible to prevent pre-diabetes from developing into type 2 diabetes. By consuming healthy food, losing weight abiding some rules and regulations strictly and remaining with the healthy weight, and being physically an enthusiastic you will be able to bring your level of the blood sugar back into the normal in the suitable position.


It is your question how to prevent pr diabetes? You should to know about its symptoms. Every one should know development of diabetes is not very rapidly but slowly little by little silently. So it is very natural that you may not recognize at all when the stage of your pr-diabetes has been overcome and blood sugar level is unexpectedly higher than you think should be. So be careful and be alert some notice here.

  •  You feel thirstier and hungrier than usual.
  •   In spite of eating more gradually you will be losing weight
  • Your tendency to go bathroom will increase frequently
  • You will become more tired than usual
Above said all of the typical symptoms are closely related to the diabetes. So at the early stage of diabetes, symptoms are noticed for you. 

Reason and Risk Factors

Actually Pr-diabetes grows when your whole or any part of the body begin to get suffering using the hormone insulin. The Insulin is required to move sugar that your body uses for required energy into the whole cells through the blood. In the case of pr-diabetes, your body does not work properly and possibly does not produce sufficient insulin or it does not apply it properly. This situation is termed as insulin conflict or resistant.

In the situation of insulin resistance or conflict, you can create a plenty of glucose in your blood, causing more than normal level of blood glucose which may be considered pr-diabetes.

Researchers or investigators are not sure what exactly reasons the method of insulin go in many persons. Some risky features relate to the advancement of type 2 diabetes - most important to know how to prevent pr diabetes:

Fatness or Heaviness: 

If someone is excess of fat or over heavy, he or she is at a risk of developing pre-diabetes. If someone carries more unusual over weight in his abdomen, he may be advanced in pre-diabetes. Unexpectedly the excess of fat cells probably causes your body to create an extra quantity of insulin resistant.
Insufficient of physical activity: If you are leading an idle life without any activity, you are preferring extra likely to mature pre diabetes.

Genetic History: 

A genetic issue is one of the factors of Pre diabetes. If somebody in your generation carries diabetes, you are most probable to build up it.
Racial Factor: Some of the cultural groups may be more probable to mature pre diabetes, such as Hispanic Americans, African-Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans.

Age Factor: 

An older person is more vulnerable than a younger person for developing pr-diabetes. Risk increases exponentially with the rate of increasing age. Gestational Factor: Pregnant woman carrying diabetes is the cause of pre-diabetes for her child.
Other health Factors: 

Having high blood pressure in hypertension & bad LDL cholesterol is the cause of increasing your risk of having the type 2 diabetes. As PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) is associated with insulin resistance, It also increases the matter of risk for pr-diabetes. Many cysts In the PCOS form in the ovaries is one possible factor of causing insulin resistance.  

Diagnosis is a must before treatment.

Before going for the treatment a doctor should become confirm by testing your blood glucose amount if he thinks that you are considering having of one or more than one risk factor above said list.

Even if you aren’t considered as overweight or having no risk factor, your doctor may would like to begin testing your body for checking the level of blood glucose in every 3 years when you’re starting the age of 45. It is the wise thing to do because there is a possibility to have of the risk of pr-diabetes with the increasing of age after 45. According to the observations in many years, it is proving that to diagnose pr-diabetes, the doctors would like to run 1 of 2 tests or both the tests given below:

  • FPG (Fasting plasma glucose) Test: Be careful, If you go for any FPG test, you should not eat any food for 8 hours up to the test. It is the reason why the maximum FPG test is completed in the morning. Taking a small amount of blood sample the doctor usually checks your blood sugar level. If the level of blood glucose is from 100 to 125mg/dL, it is confirmed that you have pr-diabetes. IFG (Impaired Fasting Glucose) is another phrase used by the doctor to indentify the prediabets. It is also the fasting plasma glucose pre-diabetes test. You may be considered a patient of having diabetes if you have the level of more than 126mg/DL with the FPG test.

  • OGTT (Oral glucose tolerance test): It is one of the two tests for pre-diabetes. 8 hours fasting is necessary before the test. So it is called fasting plasma test. A patient should follow an expert doctor during his time of treatment. Such as after 8 hours of fasting you can drink an amount of 75 gm of sugary mixture. Two hours later the level of blood glucose will be measured.

After drinking mixture of sugar if the level is between 140-199mg/dL, it is indicated that you have pre-diabetes. Having above the 200mg/DL is the cause of diabetes.  


It is declared by the doctors and researchers that Changing in the serious lifestyle are very effective in truly preventing type 2 diabetes after you’ve been considered as the patient of pre-diabetes. Here I am taking the chance of giving some ideal recommendations of changing your habit.

Eat well regularly maintaining routine strictly

A well registered dietitian or an expert certified diabetes educator may help you to make  a meal plan in which those food should be available that are better for controlling blood glucose level in limitation. The meal plan will help you to reach normal healthy range of life.

  • Selective Exercise should be practiced: Exercise reduces the level of your blood glucose as your body needs more glucose during exercise. And that time you need not much insulin to transport sugar. The body becomes less insulin resistant. It is very much good for your health. And of course, there are all the traditional benefits of exercise: it can help you lose weight, keep your heart healthy, make you sleep better, and even improve your mood.

The famous American Diabetes Association has recommended at least 150 minutes of moderate works a week. You can have that through walking, swimming or bike riding.

Lose weight and medication programs should be started if you are diagnosed with pr-diabetes. Remember medication is very useful to prevent type 2 diabetes. Regular check up is necessary to monitor your pre-diabetes to become type 2 diabetes. That’s all about - how to prevent pr-diabetes from becoming type 2 diabetes?

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